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Showing posts from August, 2022

Historical exploration of our main cleaning materials (series 1)

The first brooms were just bundles of twigs or discarded straw tied together with twine. These evolved into crude broomsticks when people began tying them to the end of a stick. According to the world wide web, In 1797, Levi Dickenson, a farmer in Massachusetts, used sorghum straws to create an improved version of the broom for his wife. Since then, the design and materials of this tool have undergone various alterations: today, plastic bristles have replaced the straw as the latter tends to fall out. our knowledge of the broom is from what we have coined the African broom The African Broom: It is said that there is no particular date or timeline that marks the invention of brooms. As a blog originating from Africa, our knowledge of the broom is from what we have coined the African broom. This broom is generally made with sticks tied using a leather knot or twine and hand-held closely to the ground by its user for effective-clean/dust-free-results. Over the years the ...

What does tidying up have to do with it...? 💭

  The whole notion of cleaning ought to be all encompassing as the definition of cleaning can be termed the act of clearing out, organising/re-ordering, decluttering a space with the holistic aim of eliminating dust, grime, controlling infection and keeping things in order.  Yet, in the real practice of cleaning in many realities, one may achieve clearing out yet not all the other intrinsic details- organising a space, infection control et al... due to the factors of limited time, limited human resources, work load, different personalities, lack of attention to detail and so on... But we argue that it is an incomplete task to to clean and not apply basic tidying to the space. Basic tidying of a space simply gives a third party the allowance to organize a space without completely changing the space. As professional cleaners of sorts, in delivering housekeeping services, we try to ensure that we don't just confront the dirts and grimes but that we also confront things lying ...