The notion of washing hands and general hand hygiene is surprisingly one that even civilized societies can't categorically say is an equitably practiced activity.
Sadly, if the COVID19 had not forced the entire universe to pay close attention, you would find that many falter on the decent act of ensuring cleanliness to their hands as they embark on their day to day ... ...
Ok! So asides from safety against the Corona virus, what's the big deal?! Who hand washing 'epp...?! Loll! The benefits are unquantifiable, immeasurable, life saving(not just against Corona virus but other viruses), cost reducing ... (need say no more!)
Really, on a serious note and in more specific terms, the following are arguments to buttress on the need to be conscientious in applying hand hygiene- handwashing, sanitizing et al (now and post-COVID19):
** Reduces/eradicates infection and disease pathogens:
** Saves you the helter skelter of hospital visits. Oh the trauma of injection pokes, inpatient experiences et al and the cost of hospital visits or admissions.
**it is socially responsible: imagine sneezing on your hands and handshaking someone the next minute. Oh noo..., you have not only created a germ zone by sneezing unprotectedly on your hands but you have exposed your "neighbour" by the supposed friendly gesture and unleashed a negative multiplier effect.
Now, rewind and change steps. Sneeze on shoulder or arm... , your hands are very free of exposure. Then, the handshake will be what it truly is- not laden with an after handshake side effect 🤧🤮🤢.
Just in case there's an accident (You sneezed into hands), the best solution is to wash hands immediately. No hand wash?!! Then you grab the sanitizer or look for rubbing alcohol for a quick disinfection.
Did you know...that hand washing is not a 21st century concept. The use of ash proves that the hygienic practice of hand wash is not modern day at all but dates back to even medieval times.
Let's be pro-hand wash and sanitizing! It's a life saver (not just against Corona virus)!
PS: To manage dry skin after hand wash or hand sanitizing, use a very moisturizing hand cream for lasting effect.
well done! we need to stay sanitized and hygiene conscious a a way of life not just because of 'Rona.' Thank you for reiterating that.