The notion of colour coding in cleaning or colour coded cleaning simply points to the practice introduced by the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) in the early 1990s to enable hygienic cleaning and eliminate as reasonably practicable cross-contamination. As we say and will continue to say in Cleaning 'n' more (@cleaningnmore), how we do what we do -cleaning- is as important as what we do. Basically the approach/methodologies involved in cleaning is as important as the actualization of a clean surface/space/environment/milieu. So where and how do we utilise the notion of colour coding in cleaning? Where: They are to be used in the vantage areas of a space that requires specific tools or equipments or materials. For instance, recommended or dusters used for dusting are to be purchased in different colour codes; sweepers, mops and mop buckets used for basic floor maintenance purchased in different colours and the list goes on...(applicable in many regards withi...
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