The notion of colour coding in cleaning or colour coded cleaning simply points
to the practice introduced by the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc)
in the early 1990s to enable hygienic cleaning and eliminate as reasonably
practicable cross-contamination. As we say and will continue to say in Cleaning
'n' more (@cleaningnmore), how we do what we do -cleaning- is as important as
what we do. Basically the approach/methodologies involved in cleaning is as
important as the actualization of a clean surface/space/environment/milieu.
So where and how do we utilise the notion of colour coding in cleaning?
Where: They are to be used in the vantage areas of a space that requires
specific tools or equipments or materials. For instance, recommended or dusters
used for dusting are to be purchased in different colour codes; sweepers, mops
and mop buckets used for basic floor maintenance purchased in different colours
and the list goes on...(applicable in many regards within a cleaning space).
How: As aforementioned the purchase or acquisition is done with colour
codes in mind. As the practice shouldn't be random and without structure, it is
best to be guided by the colour codes developed by the internationally acclaimed
British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc). As established by the BICSc- a
leading commercial cleaning body, the following are the 5 colour codes to be
used and their specific areas of and for use.
• Code Red – red is for
toilets and bathrooms. The level of exposures within such areas make them of
high risk in categorization.
• Code Yellow – yellow is for infectious
areas e.g. hospitals or medical centres. Areas here are considered high risk
• Code Blue – blue is for general areas and general cleaning.
Areas here are deemed as low risk areas.
• Code Green – green is for
kitchen and food preparation. Such areas are also to be treated with high
caution; therefore can be referred to as high risk.
• Code White – white
is for operating theatres. Operating theatres must be attended to with utmost
care; also an area of high risk.
Benefits of applying colour codes
1) It perpetrates Hygiene... In view of the COVID19 pandemic that his in 2020
and is still rearing its head, the deliberate application of such colour code
practice, would help to avoid the cross contamination that arises from using
same materials and/or tools for everywhere within a space.
2) Cleaning is done
more efficiently and effectively: When materials and tools are designated for
specific use and not one generic use, it allows for quicker cleaning execution
in a team. Basically Division of labour which leads to both speed and accuracy
in cleaning execution is effected as each material or tool is being used for
only the designated areas and use.
3) Ensures general wellbeing of those
ensuring its practice: With its inherent health, safety and hygiene benefits,
those within the work space or household or organization actively encouraging
the practices of colour coded cleaning are able to maintain health and wellness.
This is because colour coded cleaning prevents undue exposure to
cross-contamination of germs on all surfaces within a cleaning space.
Now than
ever before (in view of the pandemic) is it a necessity not a luxury to apply
colour coded cleaning. It is ideal to take advantage of the benefits imminent!
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